Odznaky vytvářejí zábavné a poutavé pracoviště. S odznaky se produktivita v kanceláři přirozeně zvyšuje. Lidé rádi sbírají a drží se odměňujících odznaků a snaží se co nejdříve setřást ty negativní. Odměny a odznaky jsou součástí funkce gamifikace.
Manažeři helpdesku mají snadný a rychlý způsob, jak zjistit, kdo dosahuje nejlepších výsledků, reaguje na většinu zákazníků, prodává nejvíce produktů a kdo se zdržuje dlouhou dobou nečinnosti.
LiveAgent přiřadí odznak „Speedy Gonzales“ zástupci podpory, který má nejkratší dobu odezvy.
Příklady odznaků

Typy výchozích odznaků (každý odznak můžete přizpůsobit):
- Traffic controller – You are transferring most Tickets. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who transferred the most tickets in the last 7 days.)
- Siesta – Your pause time is the longest of all. You really enjoy your siesta.(Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who spent the most time paused in the last 7 days.)
- Rebel without a cause – You have the most negative ratings. Reconsider your answers. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the agent that received the most rebukes in the last 7 days.)
- Inspector – You read your tickets thoroughly. Your average ticket view time is the longest of all. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent whose average time of having Tickets open was longest from the previous day.)
- Speedy Gonzales – Your reactions to the ringing Chats are the fastest among all. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent whose average response time to the ringing Chats was fastest in the day before.)
- Rewarded – You are the most rewarded Agent. Customers love you. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who received the most Rewards in the last 7 days.)
- Coffee – You take the most breaks. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who was paused the most times in the last 7 days.)
- Novelist – You wrote the longest reply of yesterday. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who wrote the longest reply the day before.)
- Tagger – You have tagged most Tickets. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who tagged the most tickets in the last 7 days.)
- Quatrefoil – This Quatrefoil badge appears very rarely and will bring you luck. While having this badge, customers will ask you only easy questions 🙂 (Evaluated randomly and assigned randomly to one of the online Agents.)
- Express – You open and close Tickets with express speed. Your average ticket view time is shortest of all. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent whose average time of having Tickets open was shortest in the day before.)
- Hardworker – Take a break. You’ve spent most time online. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who was online most of the time in the last 7 days.)
- Chatty – You made the longest Chat yesterday. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who had a Chat with the most messages in the day before.)
- Cleaner – You are resolving/deleting most tickets of all. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who resolved or closed most Tickets in the last 7 days.)
- Talkative – You made the longest Call yesterday. (Evaluated each day and assigned to the Agent who made the longest Call the day before.)
Žebříček odznaků
Agenti mohou navzájem vidět své odznaky a navzájem si konkurovat.

Make customer service fun again!
Motivate your support agents with unique gamification levels that can be achieved over time. Try it for free today, no credit card required.
Objevte všechny funkce LiveAgent, komplexního vícekanálového softwaru pro správu tiketů, který zvyšuje efektivitu vašeho týmu. Od detekce kolize agentů po automatickou distribuci tiketů a hodnocení agentů – vše, co potřebujete pro optimalizaci zákaznické podpory, naleznete na jednom místě. Vstupte do světa efektivní podpory s LiveAgent!