Návod a šablony pro přivítání nového zaměstnance e-mailem. Obsahuje tipy a příklady pro vytvoření dobrého prvního dojmu a představení nového člena týmu.
Máte nového zaměstnance? Měli byste ho představit týmu, ale možná si nejste jisti, jak. Zde je návod, jak napsat e-mail o představení nového zaměstnance vašemu týmu.
Když do vašeho týmu nastoupí nová osoba, je důležité ji všem představit. Tím nejen přivítáte nového zaměstnance, ale také pomůžete ostatním členům týmu, aby se s novou posilou cítili dobře. Znamená to také, že všichni budou od začátku na stejné vlně, což může pomoci předejít případným zmatkům nebo nedorozuměním v budoucnu.
Nepřemýšlejte o tom. Pro úvodní e-mail stačí jednoduché “Vítejte v týmu, [jméno nového zaměstnance]”. Do předmětu můžete také uvést datum nástupu nového zaměstnance nebo něco jako “Přivítejte prosím našeho nejnovějšího člena týmu”, případně “členy”, pokud nastupuje více lidí najednou.
V předmětu e-mailu je vždy vhodné uvést co nejkonkrétnější údaje, aby vaši současní zaměstnanci přesně věděli, čeho se e-mail týká. Proto můžete e-mail s oznámením o nástupu zaměstnance také nadepsat pracovní pozicí, jménem a příjmením nového zaměstnance, aby se všichni dozvěděli, co je čeká, aniž by zprávu museli otevřít.
Takový e-mail s oznámením o nástupu je často vaší první zprávou o novém zaměstnanci pro zbytek týmu, takže budete chtít udělat dobrý dojem. Váš přístup může ovlivnit jejich vztah k novému zaměstnanci a začátek jejich společného pracovního vztahu, proto je důležité, aby byl tento e-mail správně zpracován.
Začněte tím, že nového zaměstnance představíte a uvedete o něm něco bližšího. Uveďte jeho jméno, pracovní pozici a datum nástupu. Můžete také zmínit, odkud pochází, jeho předchozí zkušenosti a další důležité informace, které by bylo užitečné pro tým znát. Pokud k vám nastupuje několik nových zaměstnanců najednou, je nejlepší představit je všechny v jednom e-mailu, abyste předešli spamování e-mailových schránek vašeho týmu.
Dále informujte svůj tým o tom, co můžete od nového zaměstnance očekávat. Bude pracovat na konkrétních projektech? Má nějaké konkrétní dovednosti nebo odborné znalosti, které může tým využít? Pokud dojde ke změnám stávajících rolí nebo odpovědností, nezapomeňte je zde také zmínit.
Je také dobré vysvětlit celé společnosti, proč jste nadšeni, že jste je přijali. Jaké dovednosti nebo vlastnosti přinášejí? Jak přispějí k úspěchu týmu? To je vaše šance, jak si nového zaměstnance vybudovat a nadchnout všechny pro jeho přítomnost.
Na závěr nezapomeňte nového zaměstnance ještě jednou důrazně přivítat a dát mu najevo, že se těšíte na spolupráci s ním. Můžete také připojit vzkaz od samotného nového zaměstnance, pokud mu vyhovuje. V některých společnostech budou do takového oznamovacího e-mailu zařazeni jako CC, aby se mohli představit týmu poté, co odešlete zdvořilý uvítací oznamovací e-mail.
Hello everyone,
Please join me in giving a warm welcome to our newest team member, [new employee’s name]. They’ll be joining us as our new [new employee’s job position] starting from [start date].
[New employee’s name] comes to us from [previous company/experience] and we’re excited to have them on board. They will be working on [projects they’ll be working on] and we’re confident that they will be a valuable asset to the team.
Feel free to reach out and introduce yourself – I’m sure they would love to hear from you.
[Your name]
Hi all,
It is my great pleasure to introduce our newest team member(s), [new employee’s name(s)]. They will be joining us as [new employee’s job position(s)] starting from [start date].
While we all get acquainted, here’s a little bit about them:
• [New employee #1] – [background/experience]
• [New employee #2] – [background/experience]
• …
I’m confident that they will be [a] valuable asset(s to the team. Please make them feel welcome.
[Your name]
Good morning everyone,
Starting today, we have a new colleague joining our team – [new employee’s name]. They will be working with us as [new employee’s job position]. With their extensive knowledge and experience at [Industry], we are excited to have them on board.
[New employee’s name] will be working closely with [co-workers’ names] on [projects they’ll be working on]. If you have any questions or need help getting acquainted, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Please join me in giving them a warm welcome. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy working with [new employee’s name].
Best regards,
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
Starting from today, we have a new colleague – [new employee’s name]. They will be joining us in the position of [new employee’s job position].
[New employee’s name] comes to us with [background/experience]. We are excited to have them on board and we know they will be a valuable asset to the team.
[New employee’s name] will be working on [projects they’ll be working on]. Their first day is [start date], so please make sure to say hi when you see them around.
[Your name]
Hello team,
I am happy to announce that our recruitment process has been successful and a new [new employee’s job position] will be joining us on [start date].
Please welcome [new employee’s name and surname]. They have [background/experience] and will be working on [projects they’ll be working on].
I am sure you will all make them feel welcome and help them settle into their new role.
Looking forward to seeing great results.
[Your name]
With great pleasure, I would like to announce that [new employee’s name] will be joining us as our new [new employee’s job position].
[New employee’s name] has already worked with us as a [previous job position] and we are excited to have them on board in this new role.
They will be working on [projects they’ll be working on] along with the rest of the team.
Please make sure to say hello and give them a warm welcome.
[Your name]
Morning Team.
We have a new member joining our ranks today – please welcome [new employee’s name] to the team. They’ll be taking on the role of [new employee’s job position] starting from [start date].
[New employee’s name] comes to us with an extensive background in [background/experience]. We’re excited to have them on board and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy working with them.
[New employee’s name] will be primarily working on [projects they’ll be working on]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Looking forward to a great day,
[Your Name]
As some of you may know, we have a new team member starting today – please welcome [new employee’s name]. It is a real pleasure for us to have [new employee’s name] joining our company.
[New employee’s name] will be working as our [new employee’s job position]. They bring with them a wealth of experience in [background/experience] as well as [other relevant information].
[New employee’s name] will be working on [projects they’ll be working on]. Please make sure to introduce yourselves and help them feel welcome.
We are excited to have them on board and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy working with them.
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
I’m excited to announce that [new employee’s name] will be joining us as our new [new employee’s job position]. They have a lot of experience in [background/experience] and we are lucky to have them on board.
[New employee’s name] will be involved in [projects they’ll be working on]. Their first day is today, so please make sure to introduce yourselves and help them feel welcome.
Looking forward to seeing everyone working well together,
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce our newest team member – [new employee’s name]. They’ll be joining us in the role of [new employee’s job position].
Regarding their professional background, [new employee’s name] has worked extensively in [background/experience]. As for [new employee’s job position], they will be primarily working on [projects they’ll be working on].
Please join me in giving them a warm welcome to the team. I’m sure you’ll enjoy working together.
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
We have a new team member starting today – please welcome [new employee’s name].
[New employee’s name] will be joining us as our [new employee’s job position]. They will be a great asset to the team thanks to their previous experience in [background/experience].
[New employee’s name] will be primarily working on [projects they’ll be working on]. Please make sure to introduce yourselves and help them settle in here.
[Your name]
Hello team,
We have a new member joining our ranks – please welcome [new employee’s name] to the company.
[New employee’s name] comes to us with an extensive background in [background/experience]. As our new [new employee’s job position], they will be working on [projects they’ll be working on].
Without a doubt, they will be a valuable asset to the team. Make sure to introduce yourselves as soon as you have the chance and start getting to know one another.
[Your name]
Morning everyone,
As you may have noticed, [new employee’s name] is back with us starting today. They were previously working at the company in the role of [previous job position], and we are excited to have them rejoining us as our new [new employee’s job position].
[New employee’s name]’s primary focus will be on [projects they’ll be working on].
Please give them a warm welcome back and introduce yourselves if you didn’t meet them during their previous time here. I’m looking forward to seeing great things from them in this new role.
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
I wanted to remind you that [new employee’s name] is starting with us today in the role of [new employee’s job position].
[New employee’s name] has worked extensively in [background/experience], and we are excited to have them on board to work on [projects they’ll be working on].
As you might remember from the last team meeting, they will be working remotely for the first few weeks and then in the office full-time starting from [start date].
Please reach out and introduce yourselves online and help them feel welcome before they arrive at the office.
Best wishes,
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
I’m excited to announce that [new employee’s name] is joining our team today in the role of [new employee’s job position]. Since they were referred to us by [mutual acquaintance], I’m sure you’ll all get along famously.
As our new [new employee’s job position], they will be focusing on [projects they’ll be working on] upon finishing the onboarding process.
Please join me in giving them a warm welcome to the team and helping them fit in.
[Your name]
Při psaní e-mailu o představení nového zaměstnance svému týmu byste měli mít na paměti několik věcí, aby bylo sdělení účinné:
Chcete se ujistit, že celý váš tým je s novým zaměstnancem srozuměn, proto je důležité, abyste úvod zvládli správně. Podle těchto tipů můžete svému týmu napsat úvodní e-mail, který nového zaměstnance přivítá, pomůže mu zasáhnout do práce a také ho předem seznámí s firemní kulturou.
Improve your email communication with ticketing
LiveAgent offers a state-of-the-art ticketing system that can help you manage your email communication and boost your efficiency.
This will vary depending on the company, but generally speaking, you should include the new employee's job position, background/experience, and what projects they'll be working on. It could also be beneficial to include a sentence or two about why you're excited to have them on board.
Not strictly, but it is generally considered good practice. An email introduction allows you to provide all the relevant information about the new employee in one place and ensures that everyone on the team is aware of their arrival.
If you have a remote employee, you should include information about when they'll be in the office (if at all) and how they can be reached when they're not. You may also want to consider CC’ing relevant team members into the email so that they can get in touch directly.
You don't need to CC them in the actual announcement email, but you may want to consider CC’ing relevant team members so they can reach out directly. In terms of the actual email, it's generally best to keep it short and sweet – just include the necessary information about the new employee and why you're excited to have them on board.
Ideally, you should send a professional introduction email at least a day or two before the new employee's first day. This will give your team time to prepare for their arrival and ensure that everyone is on the same page. You can also send a reminder email on the new hire's first day, just to remind everyone that they're starting and provide any additional information that may be helpful.
This will largely depend on the size of your organization. If you have a large company, it might be best to send out an email or post a memo on the company intranet. For smaller businesses, a more personal approach like holding a team meeting may be more effective. When you're ready to notify your team about the new hire, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have all the relevant information about them to hand. Second, try to personalize the announcement as much as possible by taking the time to write a message that will resonate with your team rather than just sending out a generic email. Finally, be sure to proofread the announcement before sending it to avoid typos or grammatical errors.
Šablony e-mailů při nástupu klienta
Objevte šablony e-mailů pro onboarding klientů od LiveAgent, které zefektivní vaši komunikaci a přilákají nové zákazníky. Zajistěte loajalitu a spokojenost klientů pomocí personalizovaných e-mailů, které nabízejí hodnotu a posilují vztahy. Vyzkoušejte šablony zdarma a zlepšete svou marketingovou strategii!
Šablony úvodních e-mailů pro nové zaměstnance
Naučte se psát úvodní e-maily pro nové zaměstnance, které potěší klienty i zaměstnance. Získejte tipy a šablony!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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