Tento příspěvek na blogu nabízí tipy a šablony pro zasílání následných e-mailů po produktivní schůzce, aby ukázaly vaši profesionalitu a zájem o další spolupráci. Navazování po schůzce je důležitou součástí obchodní etikety.
Pokud jste někdy měli s někým schůzku, víte, jak důležité je po ní navázat kontakt. To platí zejména v případě, že schůzka byla produktivní a vy chcete s danou osobou dále spolupracovat.
V tomto příspěvku na blogu se budeme zabývat tím, jak poslat e-mail po schůzce tak, aby příjemce ocenil vaši profesionalitu a chuť s ním spolupracovat.
Důležitou součástí správné obchodní etikety je navázat na produktivní schůzku. Ukazuje to, že vás výsledek schůzky zajímá a že jste odhodláni posunout projekt kupředu.
Odesláním e-mailu po schůzce se ujistíte, že jsou všichni na stejné straně a že všechny úkoly nebo klíčová rozhodnutí učiněná během schůzky byla zaznamenána a sdělena. Je to také dobrý způsob, jak dát všem možnost zkontrolovat všechny akční body nebo rozhodnutí učiněná během schůzky.
Rychlý e-mail po schůzce poskytuje záznam o tom, co bylo na schůzce dohodnuto, což může být užitečné v případě pozdějších sporů nebo dotazů. Kromě toho je to dobrý způsob, jak ukázat svou profesionalitu.
Název e-mailu o následné schůzce by neměl být příliš dlouhý, protože zpráva by měla být co nejkratší a nejstručnější. Stačí něco jednoduchého, jako například “Následná schůzka” nebo “Rekapitulace schůzky”.
Příliš mnoho dalších údajů v názvu jen prodlužuje a znesnadňuje čtení, proto si je nechte do těla e-mailu. Můžete však přidat trochu podrobností o datu nebo okolnostech schůzky, abyste ostatním usnadnili filtrování těchto informací v jejich schránkách.
Rekapitulace hlavních bodů schůzky pomůže zajistit, aby všichni byli zajedno a nedošlo k nedorozumění. Pokud byly přijaty nějaké akční body, rozhodnutí nebo zadány úkoly, vypište je a uveďte, kdo je za jednotlivé body zodpovědný, abyste pomohli udržet všechny zodpovědné a zabránili tomu, aby něco vypadlo.
Nebojte se podle toho naformátovat svůj e-mail o následné schůzce. Pokud je třeba zdůraznit některé konkrétní body, použijte tučné písmo nebo kurzívu, aby vynikly. Pro přehlednější a organizovanější vzhled můžete také použít odrážky.
Děkujeme všem zúčastněným za jejich čas a úsilí. Následná setkání mohou být časově náročná, proto vždy oceníme, když si někdo najde čas a pošle nám je.
Buďte opravdu struční, abyste neztráceli drahocenný čas příjemce. Pokud chcete poslat přílohy, uveďte je na konci e-mailu.
Při odesílání zprávy zkontrolujte, zda jste všem účastníkům schůzky přidali CC, abyste je mohli průběžně informovat.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for coming to today’s meeting. Below are the main points that were discussed:
Please let me know if you have any questions. I also attach the meeting notes for your reference.
Thank you,
[Your name]
Good morning,
Below are the action items that were assigned during today’s meeting:
[item] – [person responsible]
[item] – [person responsible]
Please let me know if you have any questions.
[Your name]
Hello everyone,
Below are the decisions that were made during today’s meeting:
I would like to thank everyone for their input. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
[Your name]
[Attachment – Meeting Notes]
Hi [name],
It was great meeting you at [event] yesterday. I enjoyed hearing about your work as a [job title] at [company]. Thanks again for taking the time to chat. It would be great to catch up again soon.
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for coming to today’s meeting. As promised, here is a follow up email with the actions items and next steps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
[Your name]
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for attending today’s meeting. Below are the next steps we agreed upon. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else on the team.
Thanks again,
[Your Name]
Hi all,
The purpose of this email is to follow up on the meeting that was held on [Date] at [Time]. Below you will find a list of action items that were assigned to each individual.
[Action Item]
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
[Your Name]
Hello [name],
It was great to meet you and learn more about your work with [Company Name]. I’m excited to explore the possibility of working together in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, and I hope we can stay in touch.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Hi all,
We had a great meeting with [Their company] yesterday. Here are the takeaways:
[Their company] is interested in partnering with us on [project]
We should put together a proposal and send it to them as soon as possible
They can provide us with more details about their involvement on the project
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be in touch soon to follow up on this.
[Your name]
[Attachment – Meeting Notes]
Dear [Name],
It was very helpful to meet with you on [date] to discuss the possibility of working together. After our meeting, I put together a proposal for us to send to [Their company].
I believe that this is a great opportunity for both of our companies, and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
[Your name]
I just wanted to follow up with you on the meeting that we had on [date]. It would be great if we could continue this discussion by email.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
[Your name]
[Attachment – Meeting Notes]
I hope you are wellI. I just wanted to follow up with you about the meeting that we had last week on [date].
We talked about the possibility of working together in the future and I wanted to know if you have any updates.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
[Your name]
[Attachment – Meeting Notes]
With our meeting on [date] coming up, I wanted to make sure that we are on the same page regarding what will be discussed.
The following items are on the agenda:
Discuss the possibility of working together
Discuss our current project and how they can help us
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
[Your name]
[Attachment – Meeting Agenda]
I hope you have been doing well since our last meeting on [date].
In case you missed it, here are the action items that were assigned to each person:
[Action Item]
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
[Your name]
Zasílání e-mailů navazujících na schůzku je důležitou součástí dobrého člena týmu. Ukazuje, že jste organizovaní, pozorní a zodpovědní. Zde je několik tipů pro zasílání e-mailu o následné schůzce:
Nejlepším způsobem, jak se stát dobrým odesílatelem e-mailů navazujících na schůzku, je praxe. Začněte tím, že svému týmu pošlete rychlou rekapitulaci dnešní schůzky, a pak přejděte ke složitějším situacím. Brzy se z vás stane expert na komunikaci po schůzce.
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Správný e-mail navazující na schůzku může mít zásadní význam, protože pomůže zajistit, aby byly zachyceny všechny důležité body schůzky a aby si všichni rozuměli.
Vytvoření dobrého e-mailu navazujícího na schůzku však může být složité. Nechcete lidi zahltit příliš velkým množstvím informací, ale zároveň se musíte ujistit, že jsou zahrnuty všechny klíčové body.
Abychom vám pomohli, připravili jsme pro vás několik tipů, jak vytvořit dokonalý e-mail po schůzce. Doufáme, že se vám budou hodit, až budete muset příště na schůzku navázat.
There's no hard and fast rule for what to include in a meeting follow up email, but there are a few things that are usually worth including. It's always a good idea to thank the person or people you met with for their time. You should recap what was discussed in the meeting and maybe mention any action items that were decided on. Include a gentle reminder of when you'll be following up next, or any deadlines that were agreed upon. Of course, every situation is different, so use your best judgment about what else to include in your message.
Immediately or within 24 hours. It's important to follow up quickly after a meeting in order to keep the momentum going and to ensure that all the important details are taken care of. A quick email will help make sure that everything stays on track.
Yes, you can still send a meeting follow up email even if you didn't take notes during the meeting. In fact, it might be a good idea to send an email even if you did take notes just to make sure that everyone is on the same page. The most important thing is to include a recap of what was discussed in the meeting and to mention any action items that were decided on. There's no need to feel like you missed out or that you can't contribute. Simply send an email after the meeting summarizing what was discussed and asking any clarification questions that you may have. This shows that you're invested in the meeting and its outcome, even if you didn't take notes. Plus, your teammates will appreciate having a summary of the discussion to refer back to.
It's perfectly okay for someone else to send a meeting follow up email. It might be a good idea to designate someone else as the person responsible in order to make sure that everything gets taken care of. That way, you can focus on taking notes during the meeting and not have to worry about sending a follow up email afterwards.
You can, but you shouldn't. It's generally considered bad form to do so, since this makes it appear as though you're not really interested in the person you're emailing. It may also come across as lazy and unprofessional. If you must include your meeting notes in the body of an email, be sure to edit them first. Make them concise and to the point. No one wants to wade through a wall of text, and chances are that your recipient won't even bother reading it all if you just copy and paste your meeting notes verbatim.
If you don't receive a response to your meeting follow up email, it might be a good idea to give the recipient a call or send them a further message. Sometimes people simply forget to respond, and a little nudge can get them back on track. If you still don't receive a response after trying multiple methods, then it might be time to move on and find someone else who can help you with what you need.
The best way to follow up after a meeting depends on the situation. However, you should always follow up quickly after a meeting in order to keep an eye on progress and to ensure that all the important details are taken care of. A quick email will help to make sure that everything is on track.
First, restate the main point or issue that you were addressing in the original email. This will help remind the recipient of what the message was about and why they should care about your follow up. Second, provide any new information or updates that have arisen since you sent the initial email. This could be anything from new developments in the situation to additional questions you thought of later. Finally, extend an invitation for further discussion or action. This could be something as simple as asking if they have any questions or saying that you'd be happy to discuss the matter further over the phone or in person. By including these three things, you'll make sure that your follow up email is helpful and informative for the recipient. It will also help to keep the ball rolling on whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.
Some people don't follow up at all, which can be a big mistake. Others send a generic email that could be sent to anyone, instead of personalizing it for the person they met with. And finally, some people wait too long to follow up, which can make it seem like they're not interested in building a professional relationship with the recipient. With a little bit of care, you can avoid these mistakes and ensure that your polite meeting follow up email is successful and brings you closer to achieving your goals.
One way to track the success of your follow up email is to ask the recipient for a response. This could be as simple as asking if they've had a chance to look at the information you sent them or if they have any questions. You could also set a deadline for a response so that you have a better idea of how long it takes for them to get back to you. By tracking the success of your follow up email, you'll be able to improve your email strategy for future meetings and know whether or not your follow up was effective.
Objevte efektivní šablony obchodních e-mailů pro úspěšný e-mailový marketing! Od transakčních a relačních až po propagační e-maily, naše šablony vám ušetří čas a zdroje. Přizpůsobte si je dle svých potřeb a zlepšete komunikaci se zákazníky. Navštivte naši stránku a začněte optimalizovat své e-mailové kampaně ještě dnes!
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