Kontrolní seznam požadavků call centra zahrnuje klíčové prvky jako software, internet, škálovatelnost, školení personálu a bezpečnost. Obsahuje také tipy na výběr softwaru a zajištění bezpečnosti pro úspěšný provoz call centra.
Úspěšné call centrum závisí na mnoha faktorech, ale víte, jak je zajistit? Tento kontrolní seznam se zabývá některými nejdůležitějšími věcmi, které je třeba vzít v úvahu při zakládání vlastního call centra. Poskytneme vám také kontrolní seznam požadavků, které by měly být zahrnuty, abyste si zajistili úspěch.
Je snadné se ujistit, že jste připraveni. Pokud budete mít vše potřebné předem, pomůže vám to udržet hladký a efektivní chod firmy, aniž byste se museli potýkat se zbytečnými zádrhely nebo problémy.
Můžete ji také použít jako seznam položek potřebných k založení nebo rozšíření call centra. Pokud použijete kontrolní seznam požadavků na call centrum, nebudete muset opakovat stejné procesy dvakrát, protože již budete mít pokryty všechny nejdůležitější aspekty.
Pro firmu může být těžké se hned zorientovat. Je tolik aspektů, které musíte před zahájením činnosti zvážit a mít na paměti (včetně všeho od najímání zaměstnanců, pronájmu prostor nebo nákupu kancelářského vybavení).
Použití kontrolního seznamu vám pomůže sledovat nejen to, kolik peněz se vynakládá, ale i celkovou efektivitu vašeho call centra.
Kontrolní seznam, jako je tento, může použít každý, kdo pracuje v call centru, zakládá ho nebo rozšiřuje. Pokud budete mít všechny potřebné požadavky na jednom místě, usnadníte všem práci a odstraníte zbytečný stres.
Tento kontrolní seznam může použít jakýkoli typ podniku, od malého začínajícího podniku až po mezinárodní společnost. Chcete vědět, jak funguje? Řekněme, že si chcete založit vlastní call centrum, ale nejste si jisti, co potřebujete k tomu, abyste mohli začít a jak ho správně provozovat. Může se stát, že nakonec utratíte peníze za zbytečné věci. Navíc by mohlo dojít ke zpoždění spuštění, protože vám chybí důležitý dílek skládačky.
Pokud se rozhodnete použít tento kontrolní seznam požadavků na call centrum jako vodítko, budete moci bez problémů zřídit vlastní call centrum a ušetřit přitom čas i peníze.
Už jste přesvědčeni? Začněme!
The first thing that you need to take care of is the call center software and VoIP provider. You need to make sure that the company you are going to be working with can provide everything you require in order to have a successful call center.
They will be the ones that are going to provide you with all the other items on your checklist. It is crucial to make sure they can deliver.
Some of the things that you should look for in a call center software solution include:
Ask for referrals, compare different providers, and do research before you decide (this goes for any type of contact center you choose). Thanks to that you’ll avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road.
The quality of your Internet connection is extremely important for a call center. You need to make sure that you have enough bandwidth to support the number of inbound and outbound calls.
Speed is vital for your agents to work smoothly and without any interruptions. In 2022, everything is online. The Internet contributes so many components to the successful operation of your call center.
Your call center should have:
The faster it is, the better. Look for a provider that offers high-speed Internet with unlimited data transfer (or as close to that as possible). Test your connection during different times of the day to get a better idea of its performance.
If you’re setting up a remote call center, verify that all of your agents have reliable Internet access.
The next thing on your list is the necessary equipment. This includes items like headsets, computers, and software.
Having the proper equipment will not only make your agents’ jobs easier but also help to eliminate any unnecessary stress. In addition, it will ensure that your agents are ready to take on the workload that you have for them.
Every company has different needs, so consider what you will require before choosing any solution. This will depend on the type of call center that you decide to set up.
For example, if you are going to be using a cloud-based solution, you won’t need as much hardware. It will all be taken care of by your provider. However, if you are setting up a traditional call center, you will need to provide your agents with the proper tools.
When choosing your equipment, keep in mind the following factors:
Your call center should be able to handle any future changes that you might need to make. That’s why from the very beginning you should take care of two of the most important aspects: flexibility and scalability of your call center.
You never know when your business is going to need to make a change. Your call center should be able to accommodate any modifications without having to sacrifice customer service quality.
Flexibility and scalability are important because they allow your call center to grow with your business. As your company expands, so does your call center. This will help to ensure that you always have the resources that you need to meet the demands of your customers.
The truth is that most of it depends on the provider that you choose. However, there are a few things that you can do to help increase the flexibility and scalability of your call center.
First, make sure you have a clear understanding of your long-term goals to help you choose the right solution for you. Second, be ready to adapt quickly when necessary. Third, choose a provider that offers you the opportunity to grow with your business.
In order to provide a high-quality service, your call center should have the latest technology. In addition to making it more efficient, this will allow you to reach a larger audience and handle more work.
The right equipment makes it easier for your agents to do their jobs. One of the most important things that technology can provide is flexibility, which allows you to connect with more customers and provide better service.
When choosing the right technology for your call center, make sure to keep in mind what type of work your agents will be doing. For example, if they will be making a lot of outbound calls then you will need to provide them with some modern technology and VoIP systems.
If your agents will be handling a lot of inbound calls, you will need to provide them with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. In this way, you can automate the process and make it easier for your customers to use.
CRM is a fundamental component of every call center. By tracking all of the interactions between your agents and customers, you will gain valuable insights into their behavior.
Without a CRM system, your agents will not be able to get enough information about customers. This means that your employees would have to rely on memory and guesswork while talking with clients.
The first step is to choose a provider that offers customer relationship management (CRM) software as a part of the overall solution. The second aspect to consider when choosing a CRM system is your needs and preferences.
If you already have a CRM that works for you, it might be better to stick with it. It might be more convenient than switching over and integrating it with your call center provider. Keep the following in mind when choosing a CRM system for your call center:
When choosing a CRM system, it is important to make sure that it has all the features you need to manage your customer relationships effectively. Otherwise, you will either have to find a different provider or invest in additional software that can fill in the gaps.
Which types of CRM can you choose?
As a call center, you ought to put even greater emphasis than usual on enhancing the customer experience by implementing advanced calling features.
Extensive calling features are important because they can help you make your call center run more efficiently. They can also provide a better customer experience by making it easier for your agents to connect with customers and handle their requests.
If you are not familiar with the features, you can learn about them by reading the documentation that comes with your call center software, or by talking to a representative from your provider.
Once you have learned about the features, you will need to make sure that your agents have an understanding of them as well. You can do this by sending them a document with information or scheduling an in-person training session.
Call center software that is user-friendly and easy to learn will help your agents get started faster and use the features more effectively.
Tip: If you’re looking for call center software that has it all, LiveAgent does. What’s more, it provides crystal-clear quality and a full array of other features – and it’s completely free to try.
In 2022, your call center should be able to provide a personalized experience to your customers. This means that call center agents will need to have access to data about each individual customer and use it to personalize their interactions with them.
To give your clients a better experience and leave a lasting impression, you need to provide a personalized call center experience. Personalization is also important because it can help you increase your sales, decrease the cost of each interaction with a customer, and improve your overall efficiency. How? By giving customers exactly what they are looking for, right when they need it.
You will first have to identify data that allows for personalization. You can do this by looking at your current CRM system and the information it contains about your customers.
Once you have identified the data, you will need to make sure that it is accessible to your agents. This can be done by either having it displayed on their screens or providing them with a report that they can access whenever they need.
A call center agent’s experience is also important to emphasize in addition to personalization.
Employing experienced staff is imperative because they can help you provide a better customer experience and teach inexperienced agents how to handle calls. Moreover, they can supervise the work that is being done and help new employees improve their skills.
You will need to ensure that you are hiring the right people for the job. This means you will need to look for candidates with customer service experience, as well as those who have worked in call centers before.
You will also need to provide staff with the right tools and training so that they can be successful in their roles. This includes providing them with a guide on how to use your call center software, as well as giving them access to tutorials that can help them improve their skills.
A successful call center does everything possible to streamline its agents’ workflow and make sure they are as productive as possible. This is done by automating a lot of the mundane processes. It minimizes the time spent dealing with tasks that do not add any value to agents’ jobs.
An automated process for resolving calls without requiring callers to wait on hold is a major benefit for the end-user. It means that they can be served faster, have shorter waiting times, and get a better customer satisfaction score from your service.
One way is to have them use self-service technology. Customers can resolve their issues on their own. Additionally, you can improve productivity by automating as many processes as possible and providing staff with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively.
This includes giving them access to a CRM system that is easy to use, as well as providing them with reports they can use to better manage their customer base.
Another requirement that your call center should definitely cover is having excellent call quality.
The quality of calls is important because it can help you increase your customer satisfaction and boost your reputation. This will have a direct impact on the number of leads that you get, helping you grow your business as well as increasing sales.
You can do this by using the right tools and equipment, as well as by having a monitoring process in place. This includes using software that can help you identify any issues with calls. In addition, you should employ agents who are familiar with the use of such tools and the full range of their features.
Another major requirement for any call center is having internal support and provisioning. This means that you will need to be able to help your agents resolve issues easily and troubleshoot problems on the spot.
Having a process in place that allows you to provide assistance when required can make all the difference between an agent who is able to resolve an issue and one who needs additional support. It can also help your call center representatives provide better service, resulting in more satisfied customers who will make further purchases.
You need to make sure that every agent has access to high-quality resources and support at all times so that they can get the help they need. You also need to have a process in place that allows you to quickly and easily resolve any issues that may arise.
Providing continual training to all your agents is the bread and butter of a successful call center. It ensures that new employees are capable of doing their jobs effectively. Furthermore, it keeps existing staff up-to-date with everything that has changed since they first joined the team.
Having an experienced and ongoing training process in your call center team can help you provide better service to your customers. By familiarizing agents with your company’s products and services, they are better able to answer customers’ questions and resolve issues faster.
Firstly, create a plan of what you want your agents to learn. Next is hosting your training sessions regularly in order to maintain skills and knowledge. You can even have experienced staff train your new employees. In addition, regular reviews can help your agents keep up with the latest trends and changes.
A backup plan is essential when considering what would happen if one of your main call center solutions failed. This can have a direct impact on how well you are able to resolve issues, as well as provide service to your customers.
Backup solutions ensure that your business continues to operate even if there is a problem with one of the main solutions. It can be a lifesaver in case anything goes wrong. It ensures that you and your agents are still available to take calls or provide service while waiting for the problem to be resolved.
Plan a backup in advance. This could be by having an alternative solution that you can switch to in case the main one stops working.
Furthermore, agents must know what to do if there is a problem and where to get support. You need to have a clear policy in place that your agents can follow in case of any emergencies.
In order to ensure that your agents are meeting the company’s standards and providing good service, you need to track agent performance.
Tracking agent call performance will help you identify any areas where they may need additional training or support. It also helps determine if they are meeting the goals that have been set for them.
You can use quality monitoring software as well as a call center solution to track your agents’ performance. You also need to make sure that they know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated, so they can work on improving their skills.
Call recording will allow you to review phone conversations, as well as identify ways in which agents can improve their performance.
Call recording will help your agents learn the best way of handling customer issues and resolving problems more effectively. It also helps them avoid repeating mistakes in the future. The same goes for supervisors who may be able to use recordings of past calls to help train new agents.
Call recording works by capturing all or part of a telephone conversation and storing it in digital format. This can be done for all calls or only specific ones that you want to review.
To avoid confusion or interruption in service, you must ensure that your agents know when their calls are being recorded. You should establish a policy for how recordings will be used, as well as who will have access to them.
You need to make sure that your call center is in compliance with all applicable regulations and laws.
Compliance will help you run a more efficient business by giving you peace of mind knowing that everything is done according to the law. The fact that your company follows the set regulations also shows your customers, partners, and other stakeholders that they can trust you.
You can do so by having a written policy in place that outlines all of the call center’s requirements and how they will be enforced. Your agents should also know these policies and be aware of their responsibilities.
Finally, keep in mind that some regulations can change over time. You should regularly check to ensure that your call center still complies with them.
Integrating your call center with other business tools will streamline your agents’ work and improve their efficiency.
Integration will help your agents have a better understanding of the company’s overall business goals and how their work impacts other areas of the business. It also allows them to collaborate with different departments, which can lead to improved customer service.
Your call center can be integrated with other business tools in a number of ways. You can use APIs to connect different systems or middleware to manage all the interactions between applications. It all depends on the tools you wish to integrate.
Your call center should cover all the security measures needed to keep both your data and agents safe.
Security is essential for any business, but it’s especially important for call centers because they deal with sensitive customer information. You need to ensure that all of your systems are secure from unauthorized access and your agents are protected from cyber-attacks.
You need to have a written call center policy in place that outlines all of your security requirements. Regularly checking and updating these policies is also required as new threats emerge or when vulnerabilities are discovered in the systems your business uses.
Your call center should be accessible to all agents, regardless of their location.
It’s crucial for your call center to be accessible to all agents so they can work from anywhere at any given moment. This will give them the flexibility they need to handle customer inquiries in a timely manner.
Using a cloud-based call center solution will give your agents access to all the tools and resources they need, no matter where they are located.
Systém IVR může automatizovat pracovní postupy a zjednodušit správu systémů zákaznické podpory v call centrech. Umožňuje také zákazníkům získat potřebné informace, aniž by museli mluvit s živým agentem. Jak?
Volající si vyslechne nabídku systému IVR, odpoví stisknutím klávesy na svém telefonu a systém se podle toho zachová. V reakci na odpovědi volajícího systém IVR buď poskytne potřebné informace (např. stav objednávky), nebo přesměruje hovor na příslušného agenta.
Neomezené nahrávání hovorů zajistí, že všechny vaše telefonní hovory budou bezpečně uloženy ve vašem účtu pro právní účely, školení nebo podporu. Bez ohledu na to, v jakém oboru nebo odvětví vaše společnost působí, jsou nahrávky hovorů jednou z nejefektivnějších metod řešení problémů.
Automatická distribuce tiketů je funkce oddělení technické pomoci, která automaticky přiřazuje tikety oddělení technické pomoci agentům podpory na základě předem definovaných pravidel. Různé helpdesky používají různá pravidla automatické distribuce tiketů, jako je například kruhové rozdělení, rozdělení všem nebo náhodné rozdělení. Jedná se o funkci, která může skutečně zkrátit dobu řešení a snížit náklady.
Přesměrování hovorů umožňuje přesměrovat příchozí hovory z příchozích čísel nebo přípony přímo na operátora, oddělení, skupinové telefonní číslo atd. Přesměrování hovorů umožňuje agentům a operátorům okamžitý přístup k zákazníkům a zároveň eliminuje čas strávený hledáním přípony a možností směrování.
Jeden agent jednoduše předá hovor jinému. Zákazníci tak nebudou muset zbytečně čekat.
Vícekanálová plocha agenta zobrazuje všechny interakce se zákazníky bez ohledu na komunikační kanál: hlas, chat, e-mail, sociální média a další. Tím je zajištěno, že žádná interakce se zákazníkem nebude opomenuta nebo zapomenuta.
Univerzální schránka navíc umožňuje uživatelům odpovídat na všechny příchozí zprávy přímo z jednoho místa.
Všechny tyto funkce (a mnoho dalších) najdete v platformě LiveAgent, která je komplexní platformou pro zákaznické služby. Pokud se chcete o produktu dozvědět více, neváhejte si o něm přečíst vše na našich webových stránkách.
Simply take a look at the checklist above – by using it you can be sure that you've covered all the most important requirements for call centers.
Establishing a call center requires covering all your bases. Additionally, you will ensure that your call center has all the essential aspects required for success.
What you choose will depend upon the size of your call center and the tools you require. However, you'll likely need a phone system, computers for agents, and software for routing calls and managing customer data.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It all depends on the specific needs of your business. However, a cloud-based call center solution can often provide the flexibility and scalability you need to grow your center operations.
LiveAgent is a cloud-based call center solution that can help you cover all of your requirements, from call recording to customer data management. It can be tailored to fit your business's specific needs.
Nejdůležitější kontrolní seznam call center
Optimalizujte své call centrum s naším kontrolním seznamem—od cílů po výkonnost agentů. Zajistěte špičkový zákaznický servis!
Kontrolní seznam pro implementaci VoIP
18krokový kontrolní seznam pro snadnou implementaci VoIP: cíle, funkce, bezpečnost, školení a obnova po havárii. Začněte hned!"
Kontrolní seznam nastavení call centra
Zprovoznění call centra snadno s naším kontrolním seznamem: od cílů po software a zaměstnance. Optimalizujte procesy efektivně!
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